Fall is here and before we know it, we will be relying on our heating systems to keep us warm and comfortable. What does that mean for you and your heating and air conditioning system? Is your heating unit prepared to keep your warm this fall and winter? What can you do to make sure that you will be comfortable and cozy when the temperatures continue to drop here in McLeansville, NC? The team at Carolina Quality Heating & AC is here to help you make sure you are prepared for the cooler weather.
1 - Clean your Air Ducts and Air Vents
Your air ducts and air vents are responsible for circulating the air throughout your home. If you want your HVAC system to be running as efficiently as possible and or the air in your home to be properly circulated, make sure you regularly clean your air ducts and air vents. Additionally, make sure that all of the vents are open so the airflow can run through easily and that nothing is blocking a vent (think furniture, plants, drapery, etc.).
2 - Change Your Air Filters
Just like your air ducts and air vents, you need to regularly change out your air filters. This is one of the most important things you can do on your end to ensure your HVAC systems longevity and to help prevent future breakdowns. Clean air filters will allow optimal air flow throughout your home on top of improving your indoor air quality.
3 - Program Your Thermostat
Due to the lower temperatures these days, you are probably ready to start changing the program settings on your thermostat. You no longer need your thermostat on the lowest temperature possible to keep your home cool. Make sure you are proactive and change your thermostat settings according to the fall and winter weather ahead.
4 - Schedule a Professional HVAC Maintenance
Routine maintenance is truly vital for your HVAC system. This should be scheduled twice a year, typically in the spring time and the fall (right before the weather drastically changes). Your system just got you through a tough summer. Make sure a professional comes to your home to inspect your system to ensure you that everything is working the way it should and that you will be comfortable and cozy this fall and winter. If you are in the McLeansville, North Carolina area and have been looking for a HVAC contractor you can trust, call Carolina Quality Heating & AC today. We are happy to provide you with the maintenance service you and your home need.
5 - Test Your Heating Unit Out
After all of the above things have been done, it is now finally time to test your heating unit out. Just like your car needs to be warmed up after sitting outside in the freezing cold all night, your heating unit needs the same. It’s likely that your heating unit has been out of commission for around half the year! Make sure you are cranking it up slowly but surely to make sure it’ll be ready for those chilly days and cold nights.
To learn more about our professional heating services, check out our service page or give our McLeansville, NC office a call today!