It’s easy to forget about your homes furnace when everything is going well and it’s able to keep you and your family warm and comfortable. You might not even notice it operating in the background when there are no issues. While your furnace is deigned to have a long life, there is a chance that something will go wrong with it at some point – especially neglected furnaces. Understanding some of the most common furnace problems can help you know what to look for and what to do when your furnace starts acting up. Keep reading below to learn about some of the most common furnace problems we encounter here at Carolina Quality Heating & AC.
Furnace Isn’t Producing Heat
When your furnace isn’t performing at its one job, heating your McLeansville, NC home, it can be stressful. If your furnace isn’t producing heat, it’s often cause for alarm but sometimes it might not be a that big of an issue. First and foremost, make sure your thermostat settings are setup correctly and your thermostat is on HEAT and your fan is set to AUTO, not ON. When your fan is set to ON, it will blow air even when your furnace isn’t cycling. Another possible reason your furnace isn’t producing heat is because of dirty air filters. Finally, if your pilot light is off, your furnace won’t produce any heat.
You Have a Noisy Furnace
Most furnaces make a small amount of noise as they operate, especially when they cycle on. However if you ever hear any loud rattling, banging, screeching, etc. noises coming from your furnace, that’s a sure fire sign that something is wrong and needs to repaired. Be sure to call in your local McLeansville, NC HVAC contractor for professional furnace repair service if your furnace is making loud noises while operating. These noises are likely the result of loose parts that need to be repaired or replaced,
Your Energy Bills Have Skyrocketed
Finally, if you notice a huge increase in your energy bills while operating your furnace, it’s a huge sign that something is wrong with your heating unit. It’s normal for your energy bills to increase some during the more extreme temperatures but they should never alarm you when comparing it to last season. A large increase in your energy bill could be the result of a faulty furnace that needs to be repaired. To learn more about our professional heating services, check out our
service page or give the Carolina Quality Heating & AC team a call today!